Or find a new job so you can save the entire salary, and then send in your 2-weeks just before yearly reviews. That way you can get ahead so you have less stress when you inevitably get cut off.
Nah, if they notice you’ve been scamming them for months and end up firing you, they’ll fight the unemployment and could sue you. If you quit before they notice, they may never end up looking into it and you’ll get away with it scot free.
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Or find a new job so you can save the entire salary, and then send in your 2-weeks just before yearly reviews. That way you can get ahead so you have less stress when you inevitably get cut off.
Nah don’t send in your two weeks, have them fire you and then claim unemployment, or get a severance.
Getting terminated would suck, but not if you already have a job and don’t need the reference.
Nah, if they notice you’ve been scamming them for months and end up firing you, they’ll fight the unemployment and could sue you. If you quit before they notice, they may never end up looking into it and you’ll get away with it scot free.