"The end of 立ち読み (Tachiyomi) is the beginning of みほん (Mihon)"
Credit to LinkCable, the icon designer, for this poetic quote.
What's New?
Well, nothing, except you now you need Android 8+ to install...
Kakao (hopefully) won’t get to know the real names of the developers, which will prevent them from suing the devs personally.
They could try to DMCA claim the repo, but Tachiyomi is completely legal, so hopefully Github won’t take it down. Github previously helped youtube-dl after they got DMCA notices.
Kakao (hopefully) won’t get to know the real names of the developers, which will prevent them from suing the devs personally.
They could try to DMCA claim the repo, but Tachiyomi is completely legal, so hopefully Github won’t take it down. Github previously helped youtube-dl after they got DMCA notices.