The Corolla E110 was the eighth generation of cars sold by Toyota under the Corolla nameplate.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • I remember kids in my class randomly shouting “Waffles!” or “this is a spork!” Because lol so random xd

    Kids so obsessed with invader zim that they acted like him in real life

    Also l33t sp33k being cool for a minute and “the narwhal bacons at midnight”at the peak of Reddit popularity

    The whole gangam style craze. I went to a wedding held in a barn and everyone did the gangam style

    People saying “epic fail” all the time

    This is just what I can remember off the top of my head, but I think you get the point. None of us are without blame, we are all cringe. Let the kids be cringe too, it’s part of growing up

  • I don’t like the insinuation that because gnome devs are volunteers they are somehow beyond criticism

    You can volunteer on a project and still do a bad job, or need corrective action, or maybe even a little feedback. That’s not a bad thing. Nobody can make the right decision 100% of the time, and you need an outside perspective to see that.

    One thing where you should draw the line is when that criticism starts to become abusive, but that’s something nobody should have to put up with, not just volunteers.

  • I’ve grown up with windows (started with windows 95 in elementary school) and have been a Linux user since 2009. Watching windows decline and the Linux desktop grow and mature has been quite the ride. I’ve been distro-hopping for years and have finally settled on Debian Testing. It does exactly what I tell it to do. It helps me accomplish whatever task I’m doing and then gets out of the way.

    Windows on the other hand is the polar opposite of that. Constantly nagging you to use OneDrive. New panels and “experiences” popping up out of nowhere. Unskippable OOBEs after a major update that force you to navigate some dark pattern if you have the audacity to resist using a Microsoft account. The telemetry that you know is running under the hood 24/7. Hands and knees begging you to use Edge to open PDFs?!?! Using windows today is like using Clippy - the operating system.

    Linux has come such a long way, and outside of some proprietary edge cases, I can no longer imagine using Windows as a daily driver