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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • And you think lending validity to Israel’s claims that its actions are purely to defend itself from a bigoted terrorist threat is going to help anything?

    There’s an enormous gulf between asking nicely and spreading imagery that implies you want to literally murderer all Israelis. Have you considered that the most effective action may exist somewhere between those two positions? Also I’m very mad at you right now for making me sound like a centrist. Blech.

  • “what could I have done as Winston Churchill or (I think it was) Truman.”

    These people were influential but did not have unilateral power. In their position I would have tried to establish refuge for Jewish people and grant them protective status. Then because of how racist and dumb society was, I would have lost my political position and my influence.

  • 5C5C5C@programming.devtoMemes@lemmy.mlIsrael’s imminent fate
    19 days ago

    Everything you’re saying really just supports the fact that the nations of the time were handling the situation in a wildly immoral way, and the creation of Israel as an ethnostate was part and parcel of that immorality, and remains highly consequential to this date.

    There’s no point asking me as an individual how I would personally have solved the crisis if I could travel back in time, because one person can’t unilaterally force a nation to do anything without being a dictator, and people don’t become dictators without doing horrible things.

    What matters is recognizing that the Israel of today came to exist out of two factors:

    1. Wealthy and influential Zionists wanted to claim Palestinian land by any means possible to further enrich themselves.
    2. Other nations wanted somewhere to send as many Jewish people as possible because they were antisemitic and didn’t like refugees.

    Now we’re stuck dealing with the consequences of our idiot racist ancestors. Let’s just try our best to not be overtly idiotic or racist ourselves (racist, for example, by turning a blind eye to the genocide happening to Palestinians, as if they’re not even human beings, or idiotic by thinking that there’s any justification for Israel’s insanely disproportionate use of force).

    Just to be clear, I’m not accusing you specifically of being racist or idiotic, I’m just describing my general position on things.

  • Weird how this notion of “personal responsibility” applies to every person except for those people who choose to intentionally misrepresenting the product by branding it in ways that are misleading. The people running this company aren’t responsible for their role in misleading the public, just because the fine print happens to indicate that the product isn’t actually what it’s marketed as?

    Now you’ll probably say something to the effect of “I never said that! You’re putting words in my mouth!” except what other motivation can you have to jump to the defense of the liar and blame people for being misled, except that you want to put all the responsibility on individuals for being misled and not on the company that is systematically and intentionally misleading them? Maybe you just manage to derive a smug sense of superiority thinking of yourself as someone who is invulnerable to this kind of tactic so blaming the victims lets you feel good about yourself.

  • 5C5C5C@programming.devtoMemes@lemmy.mlThe signs are aligned.
    2 months ago

    I mean scientists tried being polite and give gentle nudges with the climate crisis for decades and look where it got us. Civilization is driving towards a cliff and we’ve thrown away the steering wheel.

    When I was younger I used to think that being nice to people and engaging them on their own terms is the best way to win people over to your cause, but at the end of the day people don’t actually bother to change unless they realize that they need to for their own survival. So I’m done putting all my eggs into the respectability politics basket, and I’m not going beat around the bush on what a fucking cataclysmic crisis we’re being faced with.

    I certainly won’t win anyone’s affection, but if I can get at least one person to pause and ask themselves “…Am I in danger…?” then I’ll take that as a win. If others think they can win people over with kindness, they’re welcome to try.

  • 5C5C5C@programming.devtoMemes@lemmy.mlThe signs are aligned.
    2 months ago

    Weird take on morality.

    I’m eager to acknowledge the systemic challenges of being veg_n since those were barriers for me in the past myself. I’m privileged to not have those issues anymore, but I still recognize the premium that I pay to be veg_n (my partner and I refer to it as “the vegetarian tax”).

    I harbor no animosity towards people who can acknowledge the sustainability crisis of the meat industry but aren’t in a position to personally separate from it. The expectation that I have for decent and informed people, in order from the bare minimum to the absolute most is:

    1. Don’t pointlessly disparage veg_ns or spread misinformed agrobusiness propaganda. This in fact takes negative effort.
    2. Occasionally examine whether you have any opportunities to reduce your meat consumption.
    3. Talk to people you personally know about the sustainability crisis and see if you can find others in your circle who are interested in reducing their meat consumption. Work together to figure out effective strategies for doing so in your situation.

  • 5C5C5C@programming.devtoMemes@lemmy.mlThe signs are aligned.
    2 months ago

    I find that meat eaters’ reactionary indignation to the facts of the harm caused by eating meat is way more aggressive than veg_ns trying to point out to people that we’re literally killing ourselves as a species.

    It’s somehow even stupider when people who are veg_n like yourself act like it’s offensive to promote the importance of veg_nism to a world that will otherwise die.

    I really don’t care how many people like me when it comes at the cost of the continued existence of humanity. I have no remorse about shoving an uncomfortable message into the faces of people who need to hear it.

  • 5C5C5C@programming.devtoMemes@lemmy.mlThe signs are aligned.
    2 months ago

    Because you don’t like seeing people promote lifestyles that are objectively necessary for human life to be sustained on this planet in the long term?

    Or because you don’t have the discipline to overcome the upbringing that conditioned you to feel addicted to meat consumption, and you subconsciously realize that veg*nism is the morally and ecologically superior lifestyle and that leaves you with an inferiority complex that makes you lash out at others like an upset child?