I have a math degree and still can’t do basic addition

Anti-tankie leftist

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • If it you it to the extreme, sure. But the foundation of losing weight in any context is calories in < calories burned.

    I tried to get my dad to stop drinking soda for years when I was growing up. Dude drank 8+ cans a day. He finally quit drinking soda, and was for some reason surprised when he started losing weight. Changes as simple as that, just ordering a size down of what you normally would when you do esst fast food, etc. all can add up big time.

  • Ones here in the states vary a lot from place to place. Some places have absolutely everything, books, movies, games, tools, makerspaces (or at least 3d printers), computers etc.

    But most city libraries outside if your big big ones are still relatively small. My local one is about the size of a small grocery store, real modest. Damn do the workers there pour their hearts and souls into it though, they’re always hosting events and stuff. Really appreciate our library workers. Main benefit is getting access to their network, which generally gets you a whole host of other stuff. Ebook rentals, audio book rentals, book transfers, etc.

    It’s a shame what the GoP is trying to do to the American library system.