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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023


  • Which doesn’t mean I’m wrong and you’re right. It’s just two different ways of doing the same thing.

    On big food courts here the etiquette is to return the tray to the tray holders or to the store, but for small courts or restaurants it’s very common to leave it at the table for the employees to gather. So it is kind of inverse of the cart etiquette. In some places in the world it is common to return the tray, and in some places it is common to leave it at the table. That doesn’t mean either is wrong.

    The world is big and different people have different views and cultures and ways of doing every single thing. To tell one is superior to the other when talking about these things that don’t matter so much is to impose you way above anyone else’s to feel superior.

    The person that called me lazy was calling everybody where I live lazy because everyone does this thing this way, which is pretty pretentious.

    You can have strong opinions about something without being judgmental about how other people live because they don’t do things the way you and your peers do.

  • Out of curiosity, why don’t people return carts where you live?

    This is how our parking lots look:

    Parking lot example

    Every parking space has a space where you can leave the car to be collected by the employees, usually in the back of the spot. You can see it green in the image. Our parking lots are huge and usually take several floors. For us it makes no practical sense to have to go back all the way to the front, or to inside the store in some cases (like in the case in the photo, where you have to go all the way inside the mall), just to return the cart.

    Of course if it happens for people to park near the cart deposit space, they usually return the cart to the stack.

  • The most interesting thing is when something is culturally different from the US way of life, then it’s by default wrong.

    I was arguing about shopping carts in another sub and, because it is culturally appreciated in the US to return the cart, I argued that we don’t do that in our country because it’s considered unsafe and was called lazy and got heavily downvoted.