fully agreed played a lot of roms in the day and zeta/omicron were my favorites but they all struggled at high level
I feel like it is an IP that has always operated with one of them weighted clothing shits Goku or Rock Lee wears.
If they unleashed full potential Pokemon it would be top 5 games. Maybe not anymore but they had over a decade window to do so and never did.
absolutely only men should like dick that’s why I put balls on my truck
What the fuck do they even do? Sell data? Like this should just be a section of the government but everyone is obsessed with the private sector holding shit
that’s how all corporations act
Which I really don’t understand. They can’t own the concept of capture the flag and other games like that. Crash Bandicoot used to have a similar game where you bounce on squares to change them to your color, something I’ve seen in other games too.
Army of Two, Halo, Gears of War, Borderlands. Great coop games tho
Why? I just played the original Deus Ex like two months ago? Is that sad too?
Make better movies
Healthier skin/hair
Look up curly girl method of hair care. Most people lack hair texture cause their hair is fried
But people should be using less soap honestly
Damn means they’re very desperate that is a good thing
big missing aspect is boredom, free time. We need awake downtime to process and think, it is a major thing missing and why so many feel burnt out
You’re a child you have never drank go sit down. Throwing up does not indicate intoxication level.
Lmao. Every one is arguing with you in these comments bro maybe step back a little. Nobody jumped into the comments. You made some drastic declaration that has nothing to do with this situation, this person was not consenting for a totally different reason and you got weird at the start.
Then you’re up and down these comments arguing with everyone and being condescending as hell from your weird ass start.
Icing on the cake, you try talking down to me because of let’s see here… talking about throwing up from drinking? What the fuck lmfao? Grow up. This post says pregaming, this post talks about drinking and throwing up. Are you like brain dead or just this silly in the brain?
No, throwing up does not indicate intoxication level. Some alcohols will instantly make some people vomit tequila and vodka are the ones I see that cause this the most. Sugar + alcohol makes people throw up. Mixing alcohol makes people throw up. This person could’ve done any of that and anyone who drinks knows these common drinking basics. How the fuck does that indicate age?
Shut up bro
This is the most arrogant and out of touch comment ever holy fuck lol
Get a life kid