Monsieur Caleidoscope
Monsieur Caleidoscope
Aww, look at that gormless smile
Good god though, he looks like a wax facsimile of himself. Guess that’s why he melts all the time
I’m just riding win10 until I finally nab a new gpu and 5700x3d. Htpc and media server are running mint, I think I’ll change the server distro next time I upgrade the hardware though
I think it’s fair to be mad at the data center. Whether that nuisance is legal or not, and the lawmakers as well
They should be mad at both?
Is this that non-Euclidean geometry that lovecraft was banging on about?
Considering he comes from apartheid mining wealth, I bet he’s been racist the whole time
Environmental damage is a big one. Basically anytime some cost is due, such as pollution, but corporations ignore cleanup, and thus the cost. That bill is still due eventually, and it’s left to others to pay the price
Sure buddy. Western standard of living has long been propped up by keeping externalities external. Exploitation is the name of the game
Just have to gibbet some dolls on those spikes
First time I quit I’d get the occasional craving, the second time I have maybe had a craving once. I think what helped me the second time was a minor health scare, (why is my tongue sloughing?), first kid on the way, and I reallly got into cardio
Edit: I smoked from 2007 to 2014? And then 2017? To 2020 Amount varied widely, but I probably went through a pack in 3 days average. Only hit a pack a day during finals week heh.
Hunter? I hardly knew ‘er!
If they’re old enough to toil in the mines and looms, they’re old enough to know better
Jesus christ
Get fucked carfuckers
That’s just how the cookie crumbles. If you really can’t stomach any dings leave the car in the garage