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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 10th, 2023


  • Sony could have required retailers to do things like limit items per customer or not sell it at all. Sony could have made an actual attempt to sell directly to consumers. They supposedly had a program for that and even that didn’t let me buy a console from them. All they had to do was limit 1 to people who had existing PSN accounts for X amount of time and they weren’t even willing to do that. I’ve had my one and only PSN account since the early PS3 days and had every console up to the PS5, including the handhelds and many accessories. Paying fans like me should have been their top priority to sell to since they sell consoles at a loss and hope to make up the difference in games and accessories we buy for said console.

    They had plenty of power to prevent or reduce it from happening and they didn’t do a damn thing. Hell yeah I’m swearing off the PS5 for that experience. Fuck them.

    Plus, this PC building experience was legitimately fun and PC gaming is a much better way to go in many ways. Sony did me a favor realizing this and people like me won’t be coming back for the PS6 either.

  • Do they want a cookie for barely doing the bare minimum gamers are asking of them?

    And, at least on PC, technically Ghost Recon Wildlands can be played offline, but the fucking piece of shit will sometimes not launch if I don’t have internet despite it being years old in my library and me putting in hundreds of hours into the game. It’s that shitty, cheap Steam rip off Ubisoft Connect launcher that just needs to fucking die already that is one of the ways they get around the “oh this game doesn’t need an active internet connection…but it’s unnecessary launcher does!…”

  • You’re right and I know this because even I was contemplating buying it despite this. Trying to justify that I won’t care because I’m always in games for the single player offline experience. But fuck that, even if I’m alone, I’m not. I’ll wait for the pirated copy and play that instead.

    Sony is banking on many of us who have been waiting years for this release to just roll over and suck it up.

    And it’s the dumbest thing for them to fight the customer over because it’s a free account that could have just been an option if the player wants to link. I have a PS account and would have gladly linked my account to it without question had they not been forceful about it like this. And many more players would be the same.

  • I’m turned off by the forceful nature of always online and strictly multiplayer aspect of this game. I really want to like the game , but this is a really sucky trend lately. Look at The Crew and other live titles as examples when the developers decide to end support.

    The only way I could accept it as a consumer is if they have a plan in place or allow for custom servers to ensure the game doesn’t die in 5 years when they’ve released their sequel.

    I don’t always follow to the next game for one reason or another. Sometimes I just prefer the old for nostalgia’s sake. And there’s also the fact I like to play alone usually and offline, don’t always have an active internet connection, especially with handheld computers being a thing more and more lately.