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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • It’s as finished as the game is going to be at launch, this isn’t “Early Access” where the game is still evolving. You can talk all you want about how games are released unfinished these days, that’s fine, but make no mistake. “Advanced Access” is the game as it will be on release day, with access granted a few days sooner. It is NOT still in active development as an unfinished product and is not going to see significant changes between the start of the Advanced Access period and public release.

    Advanced access is playing the game in it’s Launch Day state, and any rules for time played should be consistent between Advanced Access and official launch. Your first two hours in Advanced Access will be the same as the first two hours if you only started on launch day. It’s the same game with the same refund rules, not your opportunity to red-eye your way through the whole game for a few days and still get an uncontested refund.

  • In essence, when the growth rate slows to a certain point, people are dying faster than they’re being replaced, and the trend can only continue unless everyone starts having 10 kids.

    Growth is growth. It’s not tracking only births, it’s tracking births against deaths. Population decline is people dying faster than they’re being replaced, but even “very slow growth” would still mean the population is increasing.

  • Of course there’s a lot of discourse, it’s a popular game, it’s a lot of fun and it’s been a long time since something so high profile was also so over the top in it’s satire.

    Now I thought these comments WERE about the article, but if you want thoughts on the topic itself before you’ll be satisfied, sure.

    There will always be people who miss the point. There are people who unironically think Starship Troopers is the best thing ever and represents a model society. There are also people who honestly think Fallout doesn’t contain any political commentary. There are people who thought SpecOps: The Line was just an okay modern military shooter. That isn’t a flaw of the media itself, nor is it the problem of people who do understand. Dummies with a complete lack of media literacy or social awareness aren’t a new concept, and the media they fail to understand isn’t responsible for them. It isn’t news that some people didn’t understand a thing, and trying to MAKE it news is just disingenuous and reeks of clickbait and lazy journalism.