Big Pimping Big Rofling.

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  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  •*Permanently Deleted*
    7 days ago

    I’m so sorry that People hurt you that much on Lemmy. Maybe this place is a bit too “rough” for you but you need to learn that the Internet is no safe space for you. If you feel so triggered maybe you should take longer breaks between using it and see how much you can actually stomach it at once. It’s totally okay. No one will judge you, some people can deal better with the “stress” the Internet brings us and some people need to take breaks.

    If you ever need more help:

    Take care of yourself and learn what your Body is teaching you!

  • Hands down, some of us are just deaf to flirting. Because it’s portrayed as so much more uncommon that a Girl flirts with a Guy. You are 100% right. But I’ve seen dudes getting hit on with a Baseball bat, and they were like “Whaaat? You sure?!” I tried to help a Girl Friend of mine out to set her up with another friend of mine. Bro was dumb as a Golden Retriever but twice as loyal. And now they are going steady for years.

  • Maybe I’m too young or just had bad luck, but ALL the interactions I’ve ever had with Internet forums have been unbelievably awful. Whenever I asked a question, I was asked why I wanted to know that and was lectured that my reasons were stupid, bad, or wrong (how is that even possible?). People hijacked my post and talked about anything else, and I received NO answer whatsoever! This kind of thing happened way too often, regardless of the type of forum. This occurred in Skyrim forums, Coh2 forums, PC forums, aquarium forums, … I hate forums. It’s good that they are dying, and I, for one, will not miss them at all.