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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 25th, 2023


  • I’d try chat gpt for that! :)

    But to give you a very brief rundown. If you have no experience in any of these aspects and are self learning you should expect a long rampup phase! Perhaps there is an easier route but I’m not familiar with it if there is.

    First, familiarize yourself with server setups. If you only want to host this you won’t have to go into the network details but it could become a cause for error at one point so be warned! The usual tip here is to get yourself familiar enough with docker that you can read and understand docker compose files. The de facto standard for self hosting are linux machines but I have read of people who used Macos and even windows successfully.

    One aspect quite unique to themodel landscape is the hardware requirements. As much as it hurts my nvidia despicing heart at this point in time they are the de facto monopolist. Get yourself a card with 12GB VRAM or more (everything below will be painful if you get things running at all. I’ve tried and pulled or smaller models on a 8GB card but experienced a lot of waiting time and crashes). Read a bit about Cuda on your chosen OS and what their drivers need.

    Once you can understand this whole port, container, path mapping and environment variable things.

    Then it’s going to the github page linked, following their guide and starting a container. Loading models is actually the easier part once you have the infrastructure running.

  • No offense intended, possible that I miss read your experience level:

    I hear a user asking developer questions. Either you go the route of using the publicly available services (dalle and Co) or you start digging into hosting the models yourself. The page you linked hosts trained models to use in your own contexts, not for a “click button and it works”.

    As a starting point for image generation self hosting I suggest https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui.

    For the training part, I’ll be very blunt: if you don’t indent to spend five to six digit sums on hardware or processing power, forget it. And even then you’d need the raw training data to pull it of.

    Perhaps what you want to do use fine tune a pretrained model, that’s something I only have a. It of experience in LLMs thohfn(and even there I don’t have the hardware to get beyond a personal proof of concept).

  • You have several long and comprehensive answers so please allow me to add an emotional one:

    Fucking compile error in hour six of what you estimated to be a four hour compile job because of a mistake you made that you found within 5 seconds after the error!!

    Fucking why doesn’t this compilation start I can’t find my mistake for hours?!

    Where does this module come from?! What do you mean “root kit”? Learning was fun!

    It all was fun! :)

  • Is there anything to support this? I couldn’t find anything that really has this intend documented and Intel weren’t the only on pushing for usb as the most simple protocol possible ( I recall a lot of excitement about the “u” part… How naive at least I was back then!).

    I’m not knowledgeable enough to really argue against it, looking simply from an Okham point of view as “they wanted everything to connect” - the printer in the same way as that PDA… Plus Intels de facto (IT) world domination at the time it just seems unlikely.

    Edit: some sentences didn’t make even less sense, fixed.

  • (not OP but same boat) Doesn’t really matter to me because google knows my servers external IP which is a non-issue: I don’t expect google to try to attack me individually but crawl data about me. There is no automatic link between my server and my personal browsing habits.

    In terms of attack vector vs ease of use , self hosting searxng is a nobrainer for me - but I do have an external server available for things like that anyway so no additional overhead needed.

  • Two more things to add: you get downvoted not for the content but for the tone. People tend to not respond well to abuse, even if verbal - and at least I read a “make this shit work for me” in between your lines.

    And more important: what you are asking is not easy. Wouldn’t be on windows, wouldn’t be on macos (disclaimer: I’ve never set up the arr stack on either but docker runtimes) . You are diving into server software no matter if you’re the only user or not. Either you accept this and the learning curve ahead of you or you give up on it.