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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • If you are really worried about getting caught not following the exact rules as written, you could always pay for multi device connections… then they won’t care.

    But it’s definitely possible to set up your VR router in a way that is not gonna bother anything. Most people in this thread don’t know that your VR router doesn’t need internet access. If the VR stream is all it is doing, it can be isolated from the internet, and the isp won’t know or care it exists.

    The other thing about rules, that they don’t tell us autistic people, is that following rules is actually kind of optional. Certainly more optional than it feels like to us. Think about it in terms of what the people were thinking when they wrote the rules, and who will be enforcing the rules and what they will care about. And what the enforcement of the rules would look like. (In this case, the most likely initial outcome of them enforcing these rules would be either an e-mail or paper letter telling you they noticed you are breaking a rule, possibly with details to help you stop breaking it, but likely not). Try to sus out the “spirit” of the rules rather than the letter of the rules. That is how all the other humans use rules and why to us it always feels like everyone is breaking all the rules and getting away with it.

    If you follow every rule to the letter… you really can’t do anything. At all. Like, literally, even we are breaking rules we don’t yet know about every single day.

  • He likely did have vitiligo, but as far as I know, it doesn’t lighten all your skin gradually and evenly. I don’t know if he did do something about it on purpose. You’d think if he did, at least some other people with vitiligo might choose the same option…

    But either way, I don’t begrudge him the choice if it was something he did to deal with vitiligo. Honestly, I don’t know if I would begrudge him the choice even if he didn’t have vitiligo. It would certainly be an odd choice, with some social consequences, but it would be his choice.

    His skin changing to white was only part of it too, he also had plastic surgery to make his facial features shaped more in-line with facial features common to white skinned populaces. His nose infamously took too much work to get the way he wanted it and ended up with problems later. Could be entirely co-incidental that the plastic surgery he wanted happened to make him look more like someone that was born genetically white skinned…

    But taken together, it does seem pretty likely he wanted to identify as white.

    If that was the most noteworthy thing about him, people would probably have been upset for a while, but got over it at some point. I mean “Black Alien” has certain done more to purposefully change his appearance and while we see him pop up on the internet every now and then, we tend to go back to fogetting he exists between mentions.

    But Michael Jackson is noteworthy for reasons that would hold just as much merit if that part of his life completely never happened.

    I, for one, am not convinced of any of the pedophilia stuff, but alot of people are. To me, the descriptions of activities the kids gave sounds so much more like a stunted childhood than anything sexual. But, assuming they were true, it’s much closer, but still wouldn’t be the most noteworthy thing about him.

    He was just that much better than the next closest musician. That he could get through both those news stories coming up all the time, and still have most people think positively of him.

  • A gimmick that is already in up to 10% of households, with a further 10% of those households using it more than 4 hours a day. Sure, it sounds like a small amount when put that way. But that’s already getting to be a pretty targettable market, and if you look at the growth chart, it’s not slowing down.

    You may individually not have liked it, but it is indeed here to stay. I don’t think an apple headset will be worth it for a bit, but apple sold alot of Quest 3’s at the very least. So they sold people on the idea of VR, and then once they were in the door, they bought a reasonable headset. In that way, apple has helped alot. They helped to establish it as something that is “ready” for apple to take it seriously. That conveys alot of legitimacy to “normal” people.

    I personally am, of course, in the minority of people that use VR for 8+ hours a day. It has replaced TV, Consoles, and gaming monitors for me. Plus I do my exercise in VR. I made a virtual 4k 120hz screen for my PC, that I use from the comfort of my recliner. It’s like if you had a steamdeck to stream your desktop to, except you don’t have to hold the weight of the deck, the screen is not near your hands, and also its 10 feet wide and at a comfortable viewing distance of 20 feet away, and is 4k 120hz. And you can use whichever controller you like holding. Also it’s cheaper. The downside is that if you want someone else to be able to see your game, you have to stream a video of it to their device, or a nearby TV. And speaking of a nearby TV, while playing on my Virtual screen, I can also just see my real TV too. On Quest 3, the passthrough video is clear enough to see about a 720p equivalent resolution at a comfortable viewing distance(40 degrees of your field of view). 720p may sound low, but it wasn’t that long ago that we were happy to see 540p (DvD quality) as a huge upgrade to what movies used to look like before. And Quest 4 will improve upon that too.

    VR has only just crossed the first threshold into main stream adoption. The Quest 3 was the first headset that is worth it to non early adopters. They will only get better from here on. Not to mention they are also coming the other way, with AR stuff starting as light weight and unintrusive as possible and slowly building on what is possible to pack in without getting in the way at all. Step 2 of the AR sunglasses is coming soon.

    While VR is the “console” of the future, AR is the “mobile phone” of the future. And eventually they will meet and blur the lines, kind of like how we use phones now. Modern smartphones are both what cellphones used to be, as well as surprisingly capable portable console gaming now.

  • You said you tried the game, there is no special surprise that happens later into that makes the beginning worth it. Which is actually what I said, if you didn’t like the start, you won’t like the rest either. For the people who liked the game, it was good the whole way through. You didn’t, there is no secret you missed, you just didn’t like it, which is also what I said. The game is only well liked by a specific subset of people, you apparently are not in that subset. The second half of my post was also just one guess if you thought you should enjoy it but didn’t. There was no way for me to know you tried it when it was new, but then at least the first half of my post was the important part for you then.