human garbage

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2023


  • You take away their agency and their choice to create a backwards society. We can thank americans for creating a disfunctional corrupt house of cards that felt apart once they left, pepper it with their many crimes, but both Talibs in 2001 and Talibs in 2021 were to pack women in trash bags and make spotty readings of Quran the law once they get a chance. Probably, in coming decades, we’d see how they outlive the influence of murricans and their own overcompensation for that, but I just can’t see how that clique can create anything but conservative manocentric shithole with only variable being if they do or don’t become the worlds first opioid farm.

  • I myself feel conditioned to have it over a dumb phone. Companies and people assume that you have one, and the thing I find the most offending is obsessive QR overusage. I hate that.

    If it’s on a banner or in a document, it rarely ever have plain text address. They are on all of my bills, as mobile banking is popular and you are supposed to trust it and open it in your banking app lol (although it’s payment info in a specific format, not a web link). It’s also used in 2FA\registration for apps and you can’t login into popular messengers without scanning a pattern and my workplaces used some of them for all internal communications. And whenever I scan anything or refuse, I see them everywhere, this sharp b\w noise that is not a part of a human world, but rather meant for machines. These technological shenanigans occupying the visual landscape is probably why I can jump from not wanting a smartphone myself to disliking others having them. And with how it locks you from pretty essential things I can see the next step is having government services only availiable in Zuckerberg’s Metaverse. That’s when I’d call quit on that fuckyverse.
