Those chickens are T H I C C
Those chickens are T H I C C
Me irl
Definitely killing some monsters and/or Nazis in my walk in the woods with my parents with this bad boi
Comes with your very own two fingers!
Grim dawn was my fav single player Diablo alternative. I think I played TQ some but it never captured my attention like GD did. Maybe it was something about the atmosphere. Still will definitely give it a shot when I need to scratch the arpg itch
He doesn’t seem to be enjoying it at all ☹️
This game looks awesome, do you need to play the first one to know what’s going on?
Needs to floss more
How about windmills, you must own a couple of those
A paradise…
What a perfect adventure
Lil cheese for the mouth, lil cheese for the hair
Please continue
He’s a good king, a kind king
Twist it up with a lil plutonium nyborg and you got yourself a night! Sign me the fuck up!
Delightfully devilish anon