Plutus, Haskell, Nix, Purescript, Swift/Kotlin. laser-focused on FP: formality, purity, and totality; repulsed by pragmatic, unsafe, “move fast and break things” approaches

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Ever heard of OpenCL? AMD started that project. CUDA is closed source.

    What kind of hedge fund, MBA, anti-consumer chud counts it as a point AGAINST a company for developing open source technologies when they could have easily closed their IP warchest and offered a first-party CUDA bridge? AMD actively chose to embrace the open source world rather than further enabling a CUDA monopoly. IMO, every computer user in the world owes AMD a debt of gratitude for their contributions to open source technologies like OpenCL.

    I can tell you’re a Windows user because if you used Linux for even a single day (you know, the kernel that is the industry standard for virtually ALL internet servers including Microsoft’s), you’d know all too well that NVidia is objectively hostile to open source technologies and the consumers who are unwitting victims of their anti-competitive, closed source technologies.

  • Honestly, it’s more likely that they want to ban it because it allows China to manipulate the narrative in the US in ways that only Facebook, etc were able to in years past.

    I love it when free market capitalists get a taste of their own “let people vote with their wallets, regulation be damned” medicine. The young generations are being radicalized against the US’s propaganda system and there’s not a goddamned thing our piece of shit Patriot Act-signing, civil-rights-eroding propagandistic demagogues can do about it (short of an outright ban).