I am against animal agriculture for the same reason I am against sexism, racism, ableism, classism and homophobia.

The circumstances of a creatures birth does not dictate what it is “meant for”, every one deserves to live happy, healthily and with dignity, but some simply want to live.

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 4th, 2024


  • I don’t know if it’s your intent or you don’t know, but this is transmedicalism and it’s gatekeeping that is used as intercommunity bigotry. Trans is an umbrella term that holds transsexuals, transgender, non-binary, Demi, fluid and intersex people under. We can celebrate and acknowledge the distinctions, but anyone who doesnt feel cis is absolutely welcome to the trans label. When some non binary people understand themselves, many see this as a transition from how they identified before and that is absolutely 100% valid.

    Please do not tell anyone they are or are not trans. That is not your choice to make and it belongs to every single individual person to say for themselves.

  • and a majority of them do not consider themselves trans

    And in my experience it’s the opposite. But either way we are going in to anecdotal territory which isn’t helpful. What’s important that we agree on is that non binary folk absolutely have the right to decide for themselves either way.

    Concerns about erasure is valid, but the language matters as not to be exclusionary. There is value in saying NB, intersex and fluid are distinct identities, but not in saying they are mutually exclusive from or inherently “not trans”.

  • Transgender and genderfluid identities are different.

    Hold up. No, that’s not correct. I am trans myself, and while I’m assuming it’s not your intent to do so but this is walking in to some toxic gatekeeping that is common in some communities. Not tying to call you out, but respectfully and politely, it’s a pretty big party foul to say a group is or isn’t trans.

    “Trans” is an umbrella term in which transgender, transexual, non-binary, generfluid, demi boy/girl and Intersex people all fit under. None of these things are mutually exclusive. And conversely, it’s not a requirement either. Many intersex, fluid and non-binary people do not consider themselves trans, and that is 100% their right, but many do as well.

    It’s entirely an individuals choice, and saying X isn’t “trans” only leads to exclusion and intercommunity bigotry.

  • So this is really funny, just not for the reason Anon thinks. No way this actually happened, nor has anon every actually spoken to a homeless person. This is nothing more than a sick little power fantasy from someone who assumes everyone without a home has the exact sort of mental illness they saw on TV.

    Telling obvious lies to online strangers about your sadistic fantasies so you can feel powerful is honestly hilarious. Super sad, but hilarious.

  • Which ignores the context that getting them with a prescription is becoming a functional immposiblity for trans people in the UK. I support the concept that prescription drugs should not be for sale, BUT it is disengenerous that the prescription process is arbitrarily years long and constantly under attack.

    My trans friend who lives in the UK has been forced to get her medication from the web because she has been on a waiting list to get a prescription for over three years now! She actively wants someone with a medical degree involved in her care, but that’s literally immposible for her, despite her well paying job. It’s easy enough to say “don’t break the law” while ignoring the people harmed.

  • Fucking horseshit.

    These drugs aren’t dangerous, and for those that seek them it’s often life saving. This isn’t “illegal prescriptions” like oxy for a high that fuels drug trade. Seriously, there is no gain for humanity by making life MORE difficult for trans folk. Especially in the UK where the wait list for a prescription is literally YEARS long.

    It’s super duper disengenerous to call these illegal drug. Their medicine for people with gender dysphoria, and further restricting their access to it is nothing short of cruelty.

  • Yeah but that’s a different scenario all togther. Not all men are dangerous rapists, obviously. But enough are prone to assault and SA that it’s statistically safer to have some random bear (possibly grizzly or teddy) than some random man. If you don’t feel like the random guy walking down the street is dangerous, that’s probably because random men on the street don’t regularly harass you, which is unfortunately still a very common occurance to most women.

  • It’s noble how many of you are willing to get philosophical about the rise of deep fakes freeing us from puritan beliefs and readdressing the concept of truth.

    While completely fucking ignoring the harassment and extortion of deep fakes. Y’all want to get high minded about YOUR right to free speach using OTHER peoples bodies as a gateway to some utopia, while playing dumb that this is just another form of mysgonstic abuse. If it truly is just you something you are doing in the privacy of your own home, why the fuck do you need other people’s media?

    Your ideals are built upon YET AGAIN women taking one for the team. The “truth” is immposible to know so YOLO, let’s turn any women who made the mistake of being photographed in to porn. Her consent doesn’t matter between the privacy of me and my dataset, even if I do upload it and blackmail her a lil’.

  • LMAO!

    Picture me openly laughing right in your damn face. This is such a hilarious use of the word that I can’t even begin to take it serious and it’s a tragedy that YOU are taking it serious. I’m sorry you feel so entitled to other peoples bodies and likeness. That is honestly very sad for you.

    I’m saying it’s wrong to do this because of the harm it causes, not outlawing and executing those that make the code. But that distinction is lost on you because “fascism” is anything you don’t like. Absolutely hilarious.

    (P.S I am screenshot this and show it to as many people as I can)