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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • When I play RPGs, I don’t make myself. I don’t see the character as an extension of myself. I’d much rather watch a woman do cool stuff than some dude. So I usually make women characters. Maybe some part of my brain sees some cool dude doing cool stuff and goes “great. Now I’m competing with him” and is stressed.

    One of my friends would always try to make himself in games. Skinny white guy with short hair and minimal facial hair. He saw himself in the game and liked it. I don’t really want to see myself get blown up or stabbed or eaten by a demon, but to each their own

    In multiplayer games where other people might see it as an extension of real me, I more often play male characters. In tabletop, I’ve never played a woman PC. None of the reasons I do so in a video game really apply. (I’ve played plenty of woman NPCs, but that’s different)

  • Everyone dies to the capra demon. Everyone has options within the game to adjust difficulty. Change gear or tactics. Summon help. Level up. Adding an out of game difficulty slider on top seems unnecessary.

    People that are like “I want it to be easier without using any of the tools” are essentially saying “I want it to be easier but I don’t want to turn down the difficulty”

    Additionally, the difficulty and the struggle creates a sense of community. People like feeling like they belong to a group.

    Also, difficulty is poorly defined. Sometimes people get mad about like being ambushed by monsters that were in plain sight but they didn’t notice. Is that too hard?

  • First, individually targeted advertisement should be illegal. Instead of trying to figure out who I am and serving me ads based on that, they should only be able to look at server side facts. What is the video? This is how television and radio ads have worked for ages. You have a video about SomePopBand, you advertise concert tickets. You have a video about bikes, you advertise bike stuff. You don’t know who I am. Suddenly, the motivation for most of the privacy invading, stalking, nonsense is gutted.

    Some people would still block those static ads. If they showed some restraint, I think more people would accept them. But that’s a sad joke- no profit driven org is going to show restraint.

    Secondly, if they can’t ethically run the business at a profit, the business probably doesn’t deserve to exist. That or it’s a loss leader to get people into the ecosystem.

  • I hope you like it. The controls are a refinement of ds1, but they’re basically the same joysticks for movement + camera, shoulder buttons for hands.

    Some last advice from me:

    • you don’t have to kill everything. You can often just walk away or run past.
    • you can almost always leave and come back later after leveling up, improving your equipment, or just clearing your head.
    • read item descriptions
    • pay attention to the UI. When you look at a weapon, it will tell you what stats you need for it and what stats increase its damage.
    • read the help text for the UI. I think you push select and move the cursor around to get the explainers.
    • HP is the most important thing. Don’t neglect it when leveling up. Stamina is also important. There are a lot of videos online of people getting one shot by bosses because they have like the minimum possible HP. Don’t do that.
    • dying doesn’t really matter. It feels bad, but you get used to it.