They thought they’d got away with the edit.
What exactly are you doing to that iPhone?
Missing many cups of coffee.
I bet if there weren’t angencies forcing them to do this they wouldn’t recall.
With the Microsoft AI.
M-M-Max He-Head-d-d-droom
I just had a big windows update and it asked part way through if I wanted to follow it’s suggestions, I said no and it carried on.
It was 1%, 20.8m sold Vs 21m target.
Luke Methwalker?
Suicidal unfortunately in many cases.
I find the opposite, if I have cash in my pocket it wants to be spent asap, usually on chocolate.
There’s a clue in the text as his first name is Andy.
After COP 28 this totally makes sense.
With the additional channels available on Prime, they tend to offer a free weeks subscription and they reset about twice a year so you can do it again.
How much goes to those that were affected?
A big fat 0!
Me too, I find the biscuit salty though.