It’s good to know folks in the industry like him and Sven at Larian are pushing back against all this BS
It’s good to know folks in the industry like him and Sven at Larian are pushing back against all this BS
Yes, patent it. Then nobody else can do it!
I think I need to narrow some things down;
My current Windows PC isn’t what I’m looking for; it’s a big and powerful gaming laptop from a few years back. I’m looking for something light and portable, but with a full keyboard for coding.
Pricewise I’m looking for something around $350; if this is unreasonable let me know.
As I understand it, Steam Deck uses KDE, so I’d like to stick with that for now.
This is probably the most helpful advice I think I’ve gotten so far. Thank you, I’ll look into these options.
I should add that I’ve been interested in getting a small, portable notebook for coding separate of this, and making it Linux seemed a good idea at the same time.
I’m pretty sure they’ve said they’re moving to Unreal.
Can they follow it up with one against Google next?
What does “tubular” mean in this context? I’ve only ever heard it as a positive adjective in Surfer slang.
“Sever your leg please. It’s the greatest day.”
I can’t say how, but somehow I turned my iPhone XR into a black box that has no YouTube ads on Chrome.
You eat what you like, I’ll eat what I like.
This is the first time I’ve seen anyone ever post anything about this game.