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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023

  • Huh? Quick search shows that Oliver Tree is 30 years old, so birth year ~1994 or so. The jazz design came out in 1992 and was widely available through the early 2000s, by solo cup after they purchased it from sweetheart cup in 2004… I really don’t see how he shouldn’t know where the design came from, but regardless it’s become a pop culture/nostalgia symbol because it’s just a good, widely recognizable design. What else does he need to know?

  • meowMix2525@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlElections
    21 days ago

    That’s definitely what I’ve observed. The constant whining gets pretty grating, wish they would finally just form their own instances and defederate from whoever the hell they want. Instead they sit around in the largest most entry-level instance and badmouth and whine at the mods to cut off any instance where the majority view is to the left of and critical of the status quo.

  • meowMix2525@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlElections
    21 days ago

    That’s not how I read it… it’s not really democracy if the guy being voted for is lying to the voters without repercussion (thus obstructing the voters’ right to make an informed decision) so they can get into office and do things they know the voters wouldn’t have voted for. That’s anti-democratic in itself. This meme isn’t saying democracy bad, it’s saying that what we have now isn’t a democracy.

  • meowMix2525@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlnew wolf
    22 days ago

    As a non gamer this completely ruined the game for me ngl. I couldn’t explore caves or hang out at night outside of peaceful mode anymore, lest I get my shit rocked by a skeleton armed with what may as well have been hollow point heat seeking arrows.

  • My maintenance intake as a woman was somewhere on the low end between 1700 and 2000 calories. With the meals that I was used to having, this was easily exceeded just by eating more than one meal per day. So I switched to an OMAD diet and hit a plateau around 170lbs while I was dancing. I was happy with that weight so I loosened up, eventually stopped dancing, and now I use the time saved to eat healthier (or at least less processed) food instead of less food in general and maintain at that weight.

    As for exercise; I tried biking and while I enjoyed it, it just wasn’t something I was going to keep up with consistently. The hassle alone of getting a bike down from my 3rd floor apartment (and across a major intersection) was enough to end that, plus I can’t do it in all seasons, and the stationary bike just isn’t engaging enough. Again, any progress I make from that is gone with just one bad eating choice, which is going to happen if you change your activity level without any consideration for nutrition. This isn’t a magical frictionless world of simple numbers, the psychology and physiology involved here is not negligible.

    I do think the dancing boosted my metabolism a bit, or maybe something changed in my lifestyle like returning to office instead of WFH. I’m more consistently maintaining if not slightly losing at just over 2000 calories now. I really wouldn’t be able to maintain if I didn’t read nutrition labels and limit my snacking though.

    edited for clarity

  • I don’t think you realize how few calories are burned by exercise relative to the amount packed into our food, especially if you eat without thinking about it. I was dancing for a while, 8 hours straight of sometimes very intensive cardio, and only burning like 1000 extra calories (according to my fitbit) on those days just to feel like shit the next day from all that work, which would definitely have driven me to eat even more if I wasn’t paying attention to my diet or able to control my impulses (which tbh I think one or the other can be assumed for someone 100+ lbs overweight).

    Even the most intensive bike ride or couple hours at the gym can be eaten away in as few as 7-10 oreos or a large fountain drink. Sure, if you just need to trim a pound or two to get to your ideal weight, exercise alone can do that along with many other great benefits if you can commit to it daily, but you simply cannot expect to see results if you are habitually overeating highly caloric/low nutritional value foods and do not change those habits.

  • Just be careful actually using that international data for too long cause I used it when I took a semester abroad and they shut off my data and account access literally on the day of my flight back home and kept billing me for months after when I didn’t have access to my account to cancel billing for my (non-)service. They say the majority of your service should be spent in the US but they don’t actually define anywhere what that means to them. They just tell you one day that you’re shit out of luck and not eligible for service anymore (including domestically).

    None of their support people were able to help by turning my service back on long enough to get back to the states or even just telling me how to get back into good standing. The only thing they were able to tell me is why it was shut off.

    Anyways if you do need international data, airalo was really reasonably priced and easy to set up. Came in clutch. Fuck google up the ass for leaving me stranded like that.