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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2023


  • Length alone makes them obscene. The classic example in games is minigames during a load screen - which happened in exactly one game, and then belonged to Namco until after we stopped caring about load screens. They strangled an entire subgenre. The feature was not allowed to exist, in an industry built from collective incremental experimentation.

    Twenty years is an eternity in computing.

    Twenty years ago, shaders weren’t a thing.

    Twenty years earlier, video cards weren’t a thing.

    Twenty years earlier, home computers weren’t a thing.

    The entire RPG genre emerged from dork-ass teenagers wasting time on mainframes between 1973 and 1976. If the concepts involved had been patented and locked away, there would not be games with first-person perspective, overhead maps, generated dungeons, turn-based combat, or inventory, until the Nintendo 64.

  • Eh. The primary obstacles to VR right now are intercompatibility and cost. Facebook’s bullshit is near the right price range, but it’s from Facebook, so it’s bullshit. Everything else is wildly overpriced for what remains a niche secondary gizmo atop already-expensive gaming setups, and it only works on one brand of gaming setup. All these motherfuckers took a scalpel to the nascent industry to slice up their tiny fragment of an itty-bitty pie.

    I will tell companies this for free: use a point light source and focus becomes trivial. You don’t need three inches of fancy folded optics. The proper Gumpei Yokoi approach is a textbook drawing of one lens, a liquid crystal panel, and a dot that emits light.

    I’ve been telling companies this for free: use intermediate voxels and performance becomes irrelevant. Toy hardware can throw sprites at a zillion frames a second, with up-to-the-nanosecond head-tracking. Make games emit that cheap 3D data instead of giving them direct framebuffer access.

    Of course if these people were serious, they’d use lightfield displays. Stick a grid of tiny lenses onto a high-res screen and you don’t need focus because you’re emitting a hologram. Nvidia had tech demos for this, an entire decade ago. The hardware is dirrrt cheap. But for some fucking reason we’re still acting like Palmer’s cheap hack remains state-of-the-art. Just stick fancier pancake polarizing birdbath Zeiss optics on this Google Cardboard thingamajig. More pixels! More pixels!

  • Exploiting trust is worse. That parasocial z-list celebrity isn’t recommending something - they were paid to read corporate propaganda.

    The most painful version of this is Lindsey Ellis’s video on “Manufacturing Authenticity.” It ends with a deep sigh and an ad read. The brand knew she was doing a video about how brands pay the popular kids to shill their whatever, and they did not care, because all that matters is getting a known face to say the words.