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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 6th, 2024


  • You could try Logseq, it’s like Obsidian but open source. I use Obsidian for most notes and I also have a personal wiki built with Otterwiki.

    I use NGINX for my reverse proxy, you could check out NGINX Proxy Manager which uses Certbot to automate the SSL certificates.

    I’ve heard a lot of people also like Caddy and Traefik. Can’t remember which is easier to use, maybe Caddy.

  • Then you can’t “hide” your server IP without a VPS/VPN set up. Maybe I’m not understanding what you’re asking? Your public IP is visible to any machine you connect to and that includes Cloudflare’s servers.

    Are you worried about copyright or something? This isn’t legal advice, but I doubt they give a shit unless you’re hosting content illegally for a large number of people. Obviously, only take the risk if you are comfortable with the potential consequences where you live.

  • https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.en.html

    Free software can be freely copied, modified, distributed, etc. This doesn’t mean you don’t have to pay for it.

    Open source software has its source code published. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re able to copy some or all of it, modify it, distribute it, etc.

    It’s getting more and more common that, even in cases where code is open source, only part of the codebase is actually available. This is something that Microsoft (and other wealthy tech companies) loves to do to show that it’s “transparent.”