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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 17th, 2024


  • Just because it’s safe doesn’t mean it’s the best we have right now.

    • It’s massively expensive to set up
    • It’s massively expensive to decommission at end of life
    • Almost half of the fuel you need to run them comes from a country dangerously close to Russia. (This one is slightly less of a thing now that Russia has bogged itself down in Ukraine)
    • It takes a long time to set up.
    • It has an image problem.

    A combination of solar, wind, wave, tidal, more traditional hydro and geothermal (most of the cost with this is digging the holes. We’ve got a lot of deep old mines that can be repurposed) can easily be built to over capacity and or alongside adequate storage is the best solution in the here and now.

  • You will work in the NHS or the firefighters and so on, so you will certainly engage with community members of all ages and from all wakes of life. For a year of mandatory service that everybody is meant to complete, 18 is arguably the best time to do it.

    But anyone who’s not 18 will be denied that “opportunity”.

    When you walk on a public road past a hospital do you think to yourself “they stole my money to build this”? You have rights and duties as a citizen. Your service benefits the community as a whole.

    Exactly, I already give over a portion of my labour time via taxes to help society. Forcing people to do 25 days extra unpaid work is either slavery or a huge one off tax on 18 year olds.

    There’s also no exceptions. So you’ve already got a job that requires you to do weekends? Touch shit. So you’ve got staff shortages. Already work for the fire service or police etc. Touch shit. You’ve got to go pick litter up for 25 days.

  • I mean, you guys made it into a literal lottery.

    But besides that, the proposal is even worse than just conscription. His plan is that there’ll be about 30,000 placements in the armed forces, which will of course be paid. Everyone else will have to do 25 days of unpaid “volunteering”. Of the volunteering is mandatory and your parents will be fined if you don’t do it.

    Effectively it’s slave labour for the poor and pay so you don’t need to do it for the rich.

    Luckily it’s extremely likely he’s not going to get to try to bring it in. They’re about 20 points behind in the polls and on some they’ve actually been falling further behind since calling the election.

  • Only if you don’t think about it.

    First you should stop and think: What is a customer?

    A customer is someone that a company makes money from.

    Then you think: What money have I given Facebook?

    None (or extremely little)

    Then you think: But Facebook makes billions. How do they do this?

    They have loads of very targeted adverts.

    So we who are Facebook’s customers?

    Advertising companies.

    What makes ad space on Facebook valuable?

    Their ability to target those ads to the right people based off of the data they have about them and to get you (the product) to see those ads.

  • And how do you repay them? By snatching it from the digital high seas, denying them the reward they rightfully deserve. It’s like slapping a Deathclaw in the face and expecting it to thank you.

    1. They’ve already been paid so you’re not snatching anything from them.

    2. You kind of assume that if someone hadn’t pirated it then they’d have paid to see it. The reality I’d they’d probably not have watched it at all. I haven’t watched the fall out show yet. Therefore I must also be “denying them the reward they rightfully deserve”

    3. The use of steaming was in the rise and piracy falling all through the 2010s. Why? Corporations were offering a good service at a good point. Over the last few years they’ve been making the services progressively worse and the price point progressively worse. The market has reacted and piracy has increased. Again you’ve fallen into thinking that if people didn’t have the option to pirate they’d pay for the service to get the content, I however think that many just wouldn’t consume the content at all.