tryptaminev 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 🇪🇺

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Well, Columbus, Galilei, Kepler & co. challenged what was considered “established fact” about the shape and place of the earth in their times.

    It is not wrong to challenge what is considered “established facts”. Problem is when you discard results that are going against your preoposition. I wouldn’t consider flat earthers to be particular religious as a crowd though. At least in my country they mostl come from the esoteric scene, where you get a mixed bowl of esoteric nonsene, conspiracy theories, and fascist ideology.

  • This is obviously absurd. If choosing from the legal options in an election is being part of a “conspiracy” then the whole system is already failed and you yourself are a conspirator for not doing anything about it.

    And no, voting one of the same two parties that have brought all this mess in the first place is not doing something. The Reps and Dems are equally responsible for the desolate state of the US democracy. So by your definition of “conspirator” you have conspirated to bring about the conditions in which Trump not only was elected, but has a chance to be reelected.

  • How tf. is it making a child into an activist?

    “You have an issue you feel uncomfortable about, and feel your safety is threatened? let’s talk with a democratic representative, so they better understand you.” Is not “activism”. It is normal political process in a democracy and it should be endorsed, especially for children. They have rights too and they have opinions too and since they cannot voice their opinion in elections it is all the more important that they can be heard by politicians. And there the bar is also different. A child cannot be expected to form a conscise political argument, leave alone lobby for it, what would be activism. But children have legitimate concerns that need to be heard nonetheless.

    By this definition raising any issue with any politician is “activism”. Also who the fuck would deny a child to change its mind as it grows up?

  • But for the abortion enemys would have to reflect why they have this fundamentalist stance on abortion in the first place.

    And they won’t. Because then they would have to realize, that it is neither about the life of the child nor the life of the mother, but to punish women for being women and to punish them, for not fitting in the sexual morals that on the one hand are overly prude to the outside, but highly perverted on the inside.

    It is to punish other women for their own moral shortcomings. Of course they are not open to a rational discussion. Because at the end of the discussion looms the realisation, that they need to reconcile with themselves.

  • The first point doesn’t hold though. it is always better to have a ship run with cargo than without, in terms of efficiency. Afterall the point of the ship moving is to transport cargo.

    For the cooling i am also sceptical. It was common all over Europe to trade with ice cut out of glaciers and frozen lakes until the invention of the cooling pump made electrical fridges a thing. If you store the ice in somewhat well insulated containers, it will cool itself quite decently for long travels. Icecellars were common to hold Ice that was collected in winter and lasted for cooling all throughout the year even in the mediteranian areas.

    I also find this business obscene, but i do not see, that it would be more harmful, than sending empty ships around the world.