“we have cats cuts at home”
SID was the Commodore 64 sound generator chip. While rest of that era personal computers and game console could just do fancy beeps at most, SID had a programmable synthesizer.
Here, in the best-case scenario—in a paper about the importance of embracing these reforms, by the experts who developed these reforms—the reforms themselves haven’t been well-embraced.
Looks like Agent 47 storage shed
Feed your knives regularly and they’ll stop whispering, just saying
…and then you get a sexy reply
Going down the rabbit hole is fun.
Starting with this https://imgur.com/little-boy-riding-odd-giant-rabbit-1956-tHDdboR
And ending at Why aren’t rabbits and hares larger?
I’m too much online to know the original with shelter cats and coyotes, great analogy OP!
One part is for uploads and the other for downloads, brilliant gadget!
Maybe he is running it for his niece
“Look mom, I know it’s 20 years since you last talk with Agatha, but she’s family now and the two of you must be in our wedding picture”
Here is the uncropped version, an Italian wedding in the 40s. With all participants equally thrilled for the photoshoot
Mickey Gurdus, an Israeli ham radio operator and media listener. In the age before the internet he used to listen to every transmission he could find from his homemade lab.
According to the actual article the samples acquired and packed before takeoff, and tested after landing. Having them extracted during parabolic maneuver… is due to another (Ig Nobel candidate) research.