Even if they weren’t aware, they’d remember the fact that their dad taught them this??? This is why I don’t get it, if you literally remember learning it then why’d you think you were “born with it”
The story is told with hindsight after talking to the dad. Could be that the memory of being taught the secret language had faded and OP was genuinely curious why everything he was learning in Japanese class was so intuitive, like it was knowledge they already had, but could not remember where from (because they don’t think they’ve been exposed to Japanese before and don’t have enough conscious memory of the secret language lessons to make the connection, just enough in the subconscious to provide deja vu)
Ooooh. That reminds me of a funny coincidence. When I did my woodworking I only used japanese tools because they always felt natural to me. The maintenance and sharpening to me was easier than western tools (of which are generally said to be easier).
Even complicated procedures came naturally with little practice, and basic maintenance on western tools rarely “clicked”. I talked to my mother about this and i learned my great grandfather in japan was a carpenter, and would have used the same exact tools i was “familiar” with.
Even if they weren’t aware, they’d remember the fact that their dad taught them this??? This is why I don’t get it, if you literally remember learning it then why’d you think you were “born with it”
The story is told with hindsight after talking to the dad. Could be that the memory of being taught the secret language had faded and OP was genuinely curious why everything he was learning in Japanese class was so intuitive, like it was knowledge they already had, but could not remember where from (because they don’t think they’ve been exposed to Japanese before and don’t have enough conscious memory of the secret language lessons to make the connection, just enough in the subconscious to provide deja vu)
Ooooh. That reminds me of a funny coincidence. When I did my woodworking I only used japanese tools because they always felt natural to me. The maintenance and sharpening to me was easier than western tools (of which are generally said to be easier).
Even complicated procedures came naturally with little practice, and basic maintenance on western tools rarely “clicked”. I talked to my mother about this and i learned my great grandfather in japan was a carpenter, and would have used the same exact tools i was “familiar” with.
Do you remember who taught you cursive?
Yeah my first grade teacher (cant say he name obv)
Ms. Cardinal, grade 3. If it was messy we got a dot on the homework. 10 dots and you had to do your multiplication tables instead of watching a movie.