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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Unless it’s the initial outreach team or on-premises staff, sales would be one of the few roles totally suited to remote working.

    Some of the more creative or collaborative roles I can see the argument for hybrid working - even if it’s just one day a week or month in the office - but sales, customer service, or first line support seems to be the last area you’d impose a return to work mandate on.

    That said, I haven’t got extortionate office rents to justify 😂

  • Disclosure: I’m in the UK where the worker protections are half-decent.

    was it ever not OK?

    It was not OK to not take a jobby on work time when you had the opportunity!

    I’ve worked shifts where my relief staffer has been in twenty minutes early (long commute, unpredictable traffic) so I’ve handed the shift over, and ensured that the remainder of my time was spent losing half a kilo of weight in five minutes. Conversely, it feels far more productive to leave the house half-needing to give birth to a brown otter, and nip to the bog once your feet are clear of your workload that you’ve taken on from the previous shift to go and perform the bowel movement while being paid for it.

    Shitting in my own khazi on my days off feels like voluntary work now.

    Sensibly though, any manager who controls bog time is just a bit of a fanny. Unless someone is obviously taking the piss like spending four hours of a ten hour shift, then people will perform better once they’ve laid a cable whenever they’ve needed to.

  • Oh man, this is awesome - it’s wonderful hearing from the practitioners of the art!

    I’m just trying to figure out what driver establishing the tipping point for breaking or the ban hammer - is there any empirical data to drive these decisions, or is the fediverse user base small enough that you act on “feel” or “professional instinct”?

    Managing emerging technologies fascinates me so any input - including the germs you’ve already volunteered - is very much appreciated 👍

  • Thamk you for the insight, instance administrator views are valuable and unique.

    At the risk of sounding like I’m presenting a bad faith argument, why ban them? I don’t like the whole “free market” analogy but surely it’s one of the liberating features of federated servers, being able to to largely express your votes or content as you see fit within the legal framework of the host nation. Wouldn’t the odd one or two mass downvoters/upvoters/theyvoters ultimately be a statistical abberation or is the fediverse still small enough for this sort of shit to carry weight?

    Open criticism of my view welcome, as always!

  • Purely a subjective opinion (and I apologise if the artist shows up in this thread) but is it me or does it look like the person who made the background took a step back after it was done, marvelled at how pretty it was, and enjoyed the moment before thinking “…fuck I forgot about O’Brien”?

    It’s a great bit of artwork but poor Miles looks like an afterthought!

  • I can only speak for the UK, but it’s rarely an entitlement to have annual holidays paid, rather an option.

    My currently employer will pay out if you’ve demonstrated that you’ve tried to take leave through the year and it’s been declined for whatever reason - they’ll pay the remaining balance. It’s done that way to discourage people from hoarding their days off to try and get a monster payday at the end of it, rather than work themselves into a breakdown from not having any time off work which I can see the benefit of but still not entirely sure it should be at the discretion of the employer.

    That, and taking the holiday days is effectively tax free. If you take a week off on a 40hr per week contract, then you get 40hrs worth of time off. If you get it paid, then you’ll get at least 19pc of the leave pay going as tax, depending on where in the UK you are.

    I’ve seen previous employers going with the flow and allowing employees to take their leave as paid if they want to, but effectively buying the leave pack at two-thirds rate for payment.

    An old place I used to work for went halfway, allowing the carrying of ten days leave into the next year, but anything above that is forfeit.

    As always, the devil is in the detail.