Of course they don’t understand.
Of course they don’t understand.
Oh no, the sugar has melted his brain!
Fr, I am born in 90 and some very good friends of Mine are born in the early 2000s. They are just as chill as my same age friends.
Alternatively DnD minis, they are mostly cheaper, so you can buy even more!
Howee, get ready for pain!
I’ll blackmail them back with a video of me jacking off.
Amazon Prime Video can go suck a dick.
I think you’re vastly underestimating what a big stack of green can do for the morals of an 18 yo.
Man lays down with fleas, gets fleas.
Ofc because none of these ladies want do actually do it. It’s a job, and a bad one at that.
This dude has other problems.
Of course. I’d say I have a mild addiction to gaming, yet I am not out here throwing literal shit in my attic. I just like to game a little more than I should, probably.
It’s like this for most addictions though. A lot of people have sinilar levels of addiction, for some it just compounds with other mental health problems.
Why do people do this?
What scientific evidence? You’re being extremely unintelligent.
If someone calls a person ‘normie’ they are probably an idiot.
Who cares for bravery? Avoiding meat is avoiding meat. Crazy strawman.
It’s just not a battle I am willing to fight. Too many people I can’t contact without Whatsapp and none of them willing to swap.
We’ll just have Elminster in Fortnite.